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Monday, September 30, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Tips - How to Lose Weight Fast in 3 Easy Steps

If you're putting on excess pounds and you need to fit in the right dress for a special occasion, then you need to make use of fast weight loss tips to attain your ideal weight.

In fact, there are practically dozens of fast weight loss tips that you can use to achieve this goal. Here are 3 easy tips get your dream weight at hand.

Tip # 1: Watch Your Diet

One of the most common fast weight loss tips being circulated around the populace is to monitor your food intake. Eating foods rich in cholesterol and calories will eventually lead to fat and extra weight if don't burn it all in one go.

Avoid eating fast foods, like burgers, fries, junk foods, and those with huge calories and cholesterols if you want to lead a healthy lifestyle. This entails that you eat healthy, natural foods like fruits and vegetable, or make use of low-calories or fat-free diets.

Tip # 2: Get Moving

Aside from monitoring your daily food intake, you need go into rounds of physical exercise to burn those extra calories and fats out of your system.

You don't necessarily have to enroll in the gym and spend all day doing the program. You just need to make sure that you sweat those extra calories out before they grow on you.

Tip # 3: Suppress Your Hunger

Another great tip is to suppress your hunger using credible and trustworthy dietary methods that will control your eating habits. This technique is perfect for those who are unable to control their food intake by turning off their urges to eat.

These fast weight loss tips are one of the most common ones being used by many overweight and obese individuals today. In fact, these 3 tips are considered as healthy ways to lose weight, unlike getting desperate at it by going into a crash diet - which could pose as a health risk if you overdo it.

For More Related Topics Blog: What Is The Best Diet To Lose Weight Fast

Acid Reflux and Weight Loss

Acid Reflux is a problem which can affect men, women, and children. It causes discomfort, heartburn and over time can create more serious health risk. We'll discuss the problem with acid reflux and its association with weight loss.

Acid reflux disease occurs when the lower part of the esophageal sphincter doesn't close fully and allow the stomach contents to leak back into the esophagus.

When the stomach acids leak back and make contact with the esophagus, it creates a burning sensation in the chest or throat. This is commonly called heartburn. This fluid can also be tasted in the back of the mouth and cause acid indigestion.

It is fairly normal to get acid indigestion occasionally but if it occurs twice or more per week then it should be indicative of a more serious problem.

No one is completely certain why this problem occurs. There are a number of factors which seem to contribute to the disease. This can include alcohol use, overweight, pregnancy, or smoking.

In particular it has been shown that being overweight can increase the tendency to develop this disease. It is therefore very advisable to lose weight and bring it into a range more normal for your height and body type.

As part of the weight loss process, you should try to eat smaller meals at one time and avoid certain kinds of foods which appear to increase the tendency towards this disease. This can include citrus foods, chocolate, or caffeine drinks.

This can be a very effective and healthy way to alleviate the problems caused by acid reflux.

For More Related Topics Blog: Home Remedies For Weight Loss

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Georgetown University Study Documents Weight Loss Benefits of Niacin-bound Chromium (NBC)

Beauty expert Dr. Nicholas Perricone uncovers mineral beneficial for weight and blood sugar control

Dr. Nicholas Perricone, best known as the "beauty doctor" has uncovered clinical research that shows niacin-bound chromium helps reduce weight and manage proper blood sugar levels. The studies, done at Georgetown University, bring hope to overweight and obese individuals, classified as pre-diabetic or Type 2 diabetic.

Chicago, Illinois; January 12, 2007. In studies conducted at Georgetown University Medical Center, researchers have found that a specific, trace mineral, known as niacin-bound chromium (NBC) helps to reduce weight, improve the insulin functioning of Type 2 diabetics and promote normal cholesterol levels.

Recently brought to light by the book, 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health and Longevity, published by best-selling author Dr. Nicholas Perricone, these studies indicate that the depletion of chromium can precipitate weight-inducing problems.

According to Dr. Perricone:

"In a placebo-controlled crossover study, Dr. Preuss and a team of researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center showed that overweight African-American women consuming 600 micrograms of chromium as NBC (the ChromeMate brand) for 8 weeks had a significant loss of body fat and sparing muscle (lean body mass) compared with a prior placebo period of the same duration.

Increased fat loss was also observed among women who were randomized to consume chromium first, followed by a placebo, suggesting a carryover effect of the supplementation on fat loss."

What this means, according to Perricone, is that niacin-bound chromium has weight loss benefits without the accompanying negative effect of muscle loss resulting, in leaner bodies for users.

Perricone states that in addition to weight loss, NBC has additional blood sugar control, cholesterol and overall longevity benefits for users.

For More Related Topics Blog: Losing Weight Running

Foods That Help With Weight Loss

Are you aware that certain foods can assist in the process of weight loss? It sounds too good to be true right, you've probably been told you have to do a very strict diet that feels like starving to achieve weight loss. But the foods I'm going to talk about in this article have been proven to help with weight loss and they can work for you too.

Certain foods require the body to burn more calories than others in order to be digested and as a result the more calories you burn the faster you lose weight.

As people age their metabolic rate slows down by a considerable amount, this is the reason why many people gain weight during middle age years. Because of their slowed metabolism they are unable to burn as much fat as they were able to in their youth years but by eating certain foods people can boost their metabolism rate I am going to talk about these foods here.

Green Tea: If you are already a tea drinker you should replace it with green tea. Regular tea is certainly not bad for you but it doesn't have nearly the benefits that green tea does. It have chemicals in it which cause the body to burn fat and help you lose weight this is why many weight loss supplements contain green tea as an ingredient.

Peanut butter: Peanut butter is an ideal replacement for regular butter because while regular butter contains high levels of fat peanut butter is rich in protein and fiber which will help you lose weight. Protein works by helping you to burn fat and build lean muscle mass while fiber will suppress you're your appetite for a longer period of time.

Almond: When it comes to fat there are two types the good and the bad. Bad fats are what causes you to gain weight and become fat but the good fats are very necessary to intake because they supply your body with nutrients and fatty acids that are essential. Almonds contain high levels of fatty acids and protein which helps to burn fat by boosting your metabolic rate.

Beans: Being able to suppress your hunger is essential to fast weight loss, due to the fact that beans are rich in fiber they keep your stomach full for a long time and serve as a great appetite supplement.

For More Related Topics Blog: Low Carb Weight Loss

Friday, September 27, 2013

Health Insurance After Weight Loss Surgery - Is it Possible?

Gastric bypass surgery and insurance AFTER the surgery is a question that a friend of mine had to have answered and the answer was one that was not a good one. He had gastric bypass surgery on his spouse's insurance and since then he has had a divorce. Since he is a private contractor he needed to go out and get some personal health insurance. He tried at many different places and he was turned down each and every time. This denial of health insurance was not something anyone ever mentioned and now he has a problem with no solution.

As of now he is ready to give up and accept the fact that as an individual he will not be able to be eligible for individual health insurance. He is so much healthier because of the weight loss surgery yet he is finding it impossible to receive individual health insurance.

This may be something worth factoring into your decision to have weight loss surgery. It is one that we have not been able to research on the web because ALL search results only provide information about coverage BEFORE the surgery.

If you are considering weight loss surgery then you need to ask questions about how your eligibility for health insurance will be affected two, three or ten years down the road. How will your eligibility be affected if you change insurers? We hope you ask, before you decide because gastric bypass surgery is irreversible and the decision is for the rest of your forever. All we ask here is that you consider what your health insurance options will be like as you age and the situations in your life chance.

Ask your doctor before you decide so you will not be left uninsured.

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Are Diet Pills And Diet Drugs Necessary For Weight Loss?

Are diet pills and diet drugs necessary for weight loss? In some cases, some people would say yes. This is what I think...

No... diet pills and drugs are almost never necessary for weight loss. Any type of pill will affect your hormones... mostly for the bad. So it's best to avoid pills if at all possible.

For weight loss, do this instead to replace any need for diet pills or diet drugs.

Spin around like a child

Remember above, how I mentioned hormones? Well, most people have out-of-whack hormones due to the air, water, foods, products, and medication. Well to bring balance to your hormones, you spin.

Why? Because spinning stimulates the Endocrine System to balance out your hormones and the release of them... note, the Endocrine System controls your hormones.

So what you do is spin around with your arms out like airplane wings, clockwise. Do 5-15 spins to begin with to determine when you get slightly dizzy. That's important, you want to get slightly dizzy, not completely dizzy.

After you find the right number of spins to do to get slightly dizzy, repeat that number of spins for a total of 8 sets each day. Don't worry, it only takes 15 seconds per set... a grand total of 2 minutes for the day. Also, you don't have to do them all at once. Spread them out.

Listen, because this is a short article, I can't give all the necessary details to why and how this works, but you can click the link below to find out everything about Spinning in my free 19 page report.

Diet pills and diet drugs are almost never necessary for weight loss, so I advise you to avoid them and try out the above exercise instead.

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide - Not Just Another Diet Book

HCG, or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy, is the newest "Miracle" aid for losing weight. The hCG Weight Loss Cure Guide by Kevin Trudeau, is the hottest new weight management book on the market. The hCG diet guide book requires the person who wants to lose weight to get shots of hCG and follow a very low calorie organic diet. The plan claims you will safely lose 1-2 lbs per day, since hCG burns the calories from abnormal fat stores.

The hCG Weight Loss cure guide by Kevin Trudeau include 50 to 60 required and recommended do's and don'ts, making it a practical guide book for hCG diet. The book has sold over 7 million copies since 2007, and people are rushing to follow this plan and get the hCG injections. Kevin Trudeau claims that this plan is "an absolute cure for obesity was discovered almost fifty years ago." He states that thousands of people used the hCG diet plan and they saw fast, almost miraculous weight loss. The best thing about this diet plan is you won't gain weight back as long as you follow a healthy eating habit even long after the diet plan is completed. He also claims that hCG caused the abnormal fat to melt away, giving the appearance of the patients having had liposuction.

According to Trudeau, "this miracle weight loss breakthrough has been hidden from the public so that drug companies can make billions of dollars selling their expensive drug treatments and surgical procedures for obesity." Multiple web sites and hCG clinics have popped up since the hCG Weight Loss Cure Guide hit the bookshelves.

While the FDA has not recommended or approved the hCG for weight management, it is legal to have it shipped into the country for personal use, and many people actually self inject the hCG at home. The hCG diet plan is reportedly safe for just about all men and women, the only exception being pregnant or nursing women. There are very rarely side effects associated with either the shots or hCG diet drops. Some reported were headaches and pregnancy symptoms but most people would gladly trade off those side effects for an amazing weight loss.

Boost Metabolism For Massive Weight Loss

Here's how to boost your metabolism and cause a huge jump in weight loss. These tips are simple, yet powerful. They aren't hard to do. So please, no excuses... just do them. Take 2 minutes, read this article, then start planning on how to make these small changes so you want finally get some serious weight loss.

Boost Metabolism

1. Do multiple short workouts each day

This isn't complicated. You can simply do jumping jacks during 3 minute commercial breaks. Sprinkle that throughout your day or night and you could easily get in 15 minutes of easy cardio. It's been proven that multiple shorter workouts are MUCH BETTER for increasing your metabolism as compared to 1 longer workout.

2. Eat 5-6 meals a day

These will need to be small meals. Actually, you can eat the same amount of foods and the same foods you currently eat... just spread them out over 5-6 meals instead of 2-3. This helps speed up your metabolism due to your digestive system having to expend calories each time you eat. The more often you eat, the more often you burn off calories. DON'T GO OVERBOARD on the concept.

3. Eat hot peppers

Research has shown these to help your metabolism. Just about any spicy and or hot foods will help... but hot peppers seem to be the best choice.

4. Drink cold water

Take sips of cold water throughout the day. It takes energy to heat the cold water to body temperature. End result, metabolism goes up.

If you want to boost metabolism, then try out these 4 tips and you'll see that in 3 weeks you weigh less.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Plan - What You Should Expect From It?

Do you feel embarrassing due to your unbalanced physique and overweight? If you reply nodding the neck positively towards this question, fast weight loss plan is something which can really assist you in this concern. Unlike past, when there were just a few options available to shed the weight, now the scenario has completely changed. These days, ample of weight loss plans are available in the market, which are quite efficient in making you loose the weight. These plans include a balance diet chart and some regular exercise which dramatically help you to acquire a slim physique. But is it really possible? Surely, yes! Only when, you follow these plans constantly and that too on regular basis.

Usually, it is seen that most of the people leave this plan and exercise incomplete, as they don't see considerable effects in their physique. Well, before resolving this issue, it is worth to note that loosing weight is not a game of minutes and depends completely upon your commitment. So, first of all you should bear in mind that you are not going to shed ample of pounds within a couple of days. Moreover, you must be ready to make changes in your lifestyle while approaching such plans. It is so because most of the people gain the excessive weight due to their unbalanced lifestyle which includes eating junk food, taking no exercise etc. And that's why most of these weight loss plans emphasize on improving your habits of eating and exercising.

Here, it is also note worthy that regular exercise, which is the most crucial requirement of such plans, doesn't mean to spend many hours in gym on the weekend only. With your daily calories intake, it is essential to burn them same day which is possible by means of constant exercise. Otherwise these calories will ruin the tone of your body with one more layer of fat.

While looking for the best fast weight loss plan, it is recommended to go for such a plan that suits best according to your convenience. For instance, if you have to suffer the threshold of eight hours official work, it won't be possible for you to exercise two hours a day. So, it would be beneficial for you to go for a plan that allows you to shed the fat even exercising fifteen minutes a day.

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips