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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Foods That Help With Weight Loss

Are you aware that certain foods can assist in the process of weight loss? It sounds too good to be true right, you've probably been told you have to do a very strict diet that feels like starving to achieve weight loss. But the foods I'm going to talk about in this article have been proven to help with weight loss and they can work for you too.

Certain foods require the body to burn more calories than others in order to be digested and as a result the more calories you burn the faster you lose weight.

As people age their metabolic rate slows down by a considerable amount, this is the reason why many people gain weight during middle age years. Because of their slowed metabolism they are unable to burn as much fat as they were able to in their youth years but by eating certain foods people can boost their metabolism rate I am going to talk about these foods here.

Green Tea: If you are already a tea drinker you should replace it with green tea. Regular tea is certainly not bad for you but it doesn't have nearly the benefits that green tea does. It have chemicals in it which cause the body to burn fat and help you lose weight this is why many weight loss supplements contain green tea as an ingredient.

Peanut butter: Peanut butter is an ideal replacement for regular butter because while regular butter contains high levels of fat peanut butter is rich in protein and fiber which will help you lose weight. Protein works by helping you to burn fat and build lean muscle mass while fiber will suppress you're your appetite for a longer period of time.

Almond: When it comes to fat there are two types the good and the bad. Bad fats are what causes you to gain weight and become fat but the good fats are very necessary to intake because they supply your body with nutrients and fatty acids that are essential. Almonds contain high levels of fatty acids and protein which helps to burn fat by boosting your metabolic rate.

Beans: Being able to suppress your hunger is essential to fast weight loss, due to the fact that beans are rich in fiber they keep your stomach full for a long time and serve as a great appetite supplement.

For More Related Topics Blog: Low Carb Weight Loss

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