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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

5 Reasons Not to Buy 'Natural' Weight Loss Products

Here are five reasons NOT to buy natural weight loss products, and why they may not be as good or healthy as they seem. Please note that I am not saying natural products are bad, people just need to be aware that they are not as good as they seem.

1. Natural weight loss products are usually not tested; hence they can cause certain health problems or complications.

2. Natural products are not certified of their safety and efficiency. Usually when a prescription drug goes onto the market, the drug gets tested for side effects, and other harmful traits. However natural products are not tested before they enter the market, and may be contaminated with unlabeled prescription drugs, metals or other substances.

3. Although herbs have had a long history of claimed health benefits and use, and although they come from natural plants, we must remember many plants are dangerous or poisonous. Hence the herbs and 'natural' oils in weight loss products may also have harmful side effects, maybe in the long term.

4. You should remember it is important to consult with your doctor before using herbal products if you are taking any medications (whether prescription or over-the-counter). Some herbal products are known to interact with medications in ways that may pose risks to your health.

5. Some natural products have also been known to be duds or scams, so it would be wise to put a lot of research into a product before you purchase it.

Do not buy natural products if:

If you have any of the problems below, you should seriously consider before taking natural weight loss products, as they may be harmful when combined with existing health problems.

o High blood pressure

o Thyroid problems

o Parkinson's disease

o Blood-clotting problems

o Diabetes

o Heart disease

o Epilepsy

o Depression or psychiatric problems

o Liver problems

o Enlarged prostrate gland

o Glaucoma

o History of stroke or organ transplant

If in doubt, consult your local doctor.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss On Vegan Diet

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss On Vegan Diet

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