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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Breaking A Plateau In Weight Loss

Are you searching for proven ways on breaking a plateau in weight loss? Maybe you're eating right, exercising but no longer losing weight. Plateaus are very common to anybody who's been on the same exercise and diet plan for a while. In this article we'll look at some proven techniques you can use to start burning fat again.

Breaking A Plateau In Weight Loss

Break Up Your Meals - If you are already eating 5 times a day, then start to eat 6 or 7. This doesn't have to mean you'll eat more food, you just break it up into more meals. By eating frequently you will stabilise blood sugar, control your appetite and boost your metabolism. Aim to eat something at least every 3 hours.

Move More - Try and be more active outside of the gym. If you attend the gym four times every week then that still leaves you with 3 days where you can be active. Walking is a great exercise for your "off days". It's nice and gentle enough to allow your body to recuperate from the gym. Yet it will still raise your metabolic rate to carry on with weight loss.

Drink Plenty of Water - Thirst can often be mistaken for hunger. Every time you get an urge to snack drink a glass of water. Decaf teas and calorie free drinks don't count towards your daily water intake. Aim to drink 8 x 8 fluid ounces of water as a minimum every single day. Research has recently shown that the amount of calories your body burns at rest can increase by drinking lots of cold water every day.

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